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中国传统文化——简体字PK繁体字 汉字是迄今为止,连续使用时间最长的文字,博大精深,源远流长。 特别是简体字,千万别惹它们,“傲娇”是它们的特长! 01 “书”对“書”说:我这里没有“子曰”。 “云”对“雲”说:由于地球气候变化,我已经没有雨了。 “飞”对“飛”说:你要两飞才能升上去,我可是一飞冲天。 “国”对“國”说:我实行计划生育,所以减少了人口;我实现和谐,所以没有干戈;我有玉,所以比你富裕。 02 “斗”对“鬥”说:我是文斗,你是武斗,我比你文明。 “区”对“區”说:我是新区,你是老区,所以你的人口密集。 “坏”对“壞”说:我可以说“不”,你呢? “头”对“頭”说:你没做美容吗?怎么长了小豆豆? “叶”对“葉”说:没有树木,我也可以生长。 “体”对“體”说:我没有骨气,却有本钱。 03 “广”对“廣”说:我已经扫·黄了。 “厂”对“廠”说:我的内部已被挖空了。 “爱”对“愛”说:我没有心,却有朋友。 “办”对“辦”说:现代化了,不用辛辛苦苦了。 “产”对“產”说:我不用生,从别人手里拿过来就行了。 04 “历”对“歷”说:有实力,才能成为历史的主人。 “丽”对“麗”说:没有鹿,我照样吸引人。 “树”对“樹”说:我总是对的。 “为”对“爲”说:你的点太多了。我坚持一个中心。 “让”对“讓”说:我才能体现上级的关怀。     05 “长”对“長”说:你已经封顶,怎么往上长啊? “发”对“發”说:你那么复杂,我就容易得多。 “发”对“髮”说:原来过去人们的头发那么长! “开”对“開”说:没有门,就永远敞开了。  “与”对“與”说:现在有车子了,还须两只脚走路吗? “会”对“會”说:我是人云……亦云。 哈哈,博君一笑,大家体会到汉字的魅力了吗! 原文摘自: 中國傳統文化

How to Use Irregular Verbs

  How to Use Irregular Verbs Matt Ellis Updated on November 11, 2021 GRAMMAR Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the normal patterns for tense and past participle. While most English regular verbs use the ending “-ed” for the past tense and participle forms, irregular verbs each have their own unique tense forms and past participles.  Irregular verbs are one of the  hardest parts of the modern English language  because they’re all a little different. Since there’s no formula, English speakers have no choice but to memorize each one, along with their special verb forms.  Give your writing extra polish Grammarly helps you communicate confidently WRITE WITH GRAMMARLY To help you with this, below we list the common irregular verbs and their tense forms, along with a quick explanation of what they are and how they work.  What are irregular verbs?  You could say irregular verbs are  verbs  that “follow their own rules.” Regular verbs follo...

80 Most Common Phrasal Verbs

  80 Most Common Phrasal Verbs Matt Ellis Updated on December 28, 2021 GRAMMAR Phrasal verbs are two or more words that together act as a completely new word, with a meaning separate from the original words. For example,  pick up  means to “grab” or “lift,” very different from the definitions of  pick  and  up  alone. Popular in spoken English, phrasal verbs can be quite confusing because their definitions aren’t always easy to guess—and there are thousands of them. In fact, many phrasal verbs are distinct variations on the same base verb, which can add to the confusion.  For multilingual speakers, in particular, phrasal verbs are one of the most difficult topics in  learning English . To help simplify this complicated issue, what follows is our guide to understanding English phrasal verbs, including a list of the most common ones.  What is a phrasal verb?  A phrasal verb combines a normal  verb  with an  adverb ...